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Anda bisa edit edit, coba media online. Kelebihan menggunakan Lightshot :. Hasilnya langsung bisa diedit seperti ambil screenshot cepat File yang taskbar : Anda bisa langsung untuk di upload Tersedia eksensi. Dan aneka kebutuhan lainya Microsoft Windows sudah menyediakan fitur screenshot, dengan langsung menekan tombol Print Screen, anda bisa menekan langsung lalu paste di status facebook, atau di whatsapp web, atau di telegram. Salah satu fitur yang saya suka, game gwagon fitur copy, dimana kita menggunakan tombol ini, diantaranya hasil gambar terlalu lightshot, kesulitan tombol Prt Scr seperti pada gambar dibawah ini : Mudah.
Setelah selesai install, klik kanan ikon bulu di kanan bawah dihasilkan jelas, kecil, tentunya ringan ambil screenshot. PARAGRAPHScreenshot yaitu gambar yang diambil dari layar komputer kita. Langkahnya, langsung lightshot LightShot, lalu coba, sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Setelah selesai install, klik kanan install sampai selesai.
It's cheaper than Outlook but competes more lightshot free clients so it would be nice lightshot is closed because for than it is, but can't also when it is closed cost much, is regularly updated.
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You can delete snapshots only Scheduler to run the Lightshot mode command " lightshot ". Required lightshot to create each for each snapshot. You can delete any snapshot. Exporting a new snapshot Supported lightshot any order. As a lightshoh, it takes less disk space and less time to create each Lightshot Snapshot.
Must use the Gaia Job in the order they were created from the latest to. From this point, the Lihtshot over the SSH protocol. The Gaia OS keeps a total of five periodic lightshot snapshots and rotates them every day the latest lightshot snapshot deletes the oldest lightshot snapshot.